Thursday, April 05, 2007

Divine Flatulence

How do you answer the question "Did Jesus fart?"? I was recently asked this question by my dear and darlin' son. My response was, "Well, I would assume so, since he was in human form, he had to eat, and humans fart sometimes mainly because of what they eat." Of course, I took this question very seriously while discussing it with Jamie. But later, after I was alone, I could only giggle, as the term that popped into my head was "divine flatulence". Yes, I am irreverent at times.


Tooz said...

Did you google that term to see if anyone has an opinion out there? Love you and the irreverent offspring.

Tooz said...
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Becca said...

I should Google the term. I think the real question is, if historians discovered evidence that Jesus did fart, would it be a eucatastrophe?

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Knowing Piers Anthony's version of the pun of the word "catastrophe", I wonder what he would describe a eucatastrophe as...

And I think I Googled it, but I don't remember what search results came back on it.

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Having Googled the term again, I discovered that it may have been originally coined by Voltaire. Interesting.