Thursday, October 18, 2007

One Foot, Two Foot, Red Foot, Boo-boo foot

So, I went to the doctor yesterday. Basically, they don't know any more what's wrong with it than I do. It could be a sprain, it could be some other soft tissue injury, it could be a stress fracture. Stress fractures generally are so small they don't show up on x-rays until they've started healing. So, they told me to take pain meds, and follow the R.I.C.E. prescription - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. I should have saved my money, as I was already doing all that. But I'm going to be a good girl and do what I'm told. I do NOT want to be limping around NYC and Kentucky in a little more than 4 weeks.


Tooz said...

Poor you. I hope your boo-boo foot is better soon. Love you all.

Tooz said...

Interesting that you and Bubba are both limping around--his is his left foot. Which one is yours?

Becca said...

Sympathy strains?

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

It is my left foot, as well. And what's really funny, is that Rachel has sprained her left knee, too.

And the fact that the swelling has not gone down, and that I've got some interesting discoloration starting to show up, indicates it's very likely a stress fracture. Dang it!