Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kitchen/Dining Room

So, the kitchen/dining room has a lot of potential, but it also needs some work. Luckily, the creamy yellow countertops will work with my "theme" for the kitchen (blue/white plates, yellow and beige accents). Also luckily, my side-by-side frige will fit in the designated frige space (whew!). Paint and putting drawer pulls and door knobs on the cabinets will help a bunch in this room. And that paneled wall has got to be painted! I'll be taking down the lateral blinds from the back sliding glass door and the blinds from the window above the sink. I'm torn between my light blocking curtains or installing some of that super-duper dark window film and not putting any curtains up at all back there. I know for a fact that, even at night, you can't see inside that tint stuff, and it does a great job of keeping out the heat and UV rays. I've also got an insulated doggie door panel and brace I'll be installing on the back door. I'm SOOOOO tired of having to let the dogs in and out! Also, you can't tell very well in the pictures, but at some point in time they apparently had a leak under the bathroom sink, so they had to cut out a large square from the paneled wall. It's being held in place with packing tape! That definitely needs fixing! Also, if I can find some cheap, the whole house would look better with some plain crown molding up by the ceiling. Don't you think so?


Lydia said...


Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Thanks, Lydia. I'm ready and raring to go; I'm just waiting until the lease is actually signed. I would hate to spend all the money and labor on paint, just to have the landlord have something "come up" and the house not be mine. I think I would go bonkers if I went to all that touble for nothing. Same goes for switching the utilities. I'm going to wait until I have that signed document in my hands.

Becca said...

Good thought. I'd hate to see the landlord charge a different tenant a higher rent, profiting off your sweat equity.

Reading an earlier comment from Lydia--have you asked about any deposit decrease as a result of your work?

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

The landlord is going to reimburse me for the paint and supplies, so it'll just be my sweat invested in it. Also, they've decreased teh amount of pet deposit I have to pay - so that helps a lot! Most landlords won't even think about letting you paint, so I'm happy that they're going to let me go hog wild and paint how I want it to look. I don't even have to get approval on the colors. Also, we're both happy I'm signing a longer term lease than normal. To me, it's effort well spent. Thanks for asking, though. I was wondering if you could e-mail me some pics of how your painting on your house turned out? I haven't seen it, and now that you've described it, I'm dying to see it!

Jessi said...

Very cute kitchen. I love the blue and yellow. I used to have blue and yellow in most of the house, but now my yellow is all gone and my kitchen is blue and brown. I can't wait to see the after pictures.