Monday, June 25, 2007

2 h 45 m...

is not enough sleep. That's how long (well, short) I slept last night. What was just an inability to turn my head too far from side to side due to extremely tight, tense muscles turned into a full-blown stiffness and muscle pain over my whole body into the wee hours of the morning. Due to this, and the quaking and shaking of my muscles due to said extreme tightness/tenseness, I didn't sleep very much at all last night. I finally passed out around 4:00 a.m. then had to get up to get ready for work at 6:45 a.m. An almost-scalding hot shower helped some of the stiffness this morning, but I still cannot move my head from side to side or up/down, nor can I stretch any of my muscles out like I normally can. If this keeps up, I'll go see the doctor about it. It's just weird. It started Friday as a very slight tightening of my neck muscles - I could still move normally, but I got a bit of a twinge when I turned my head from side to side. Saturday, I had less movement, but still not too bad. Sunday morning, I couldn't move my head hardly at all, and by Sunday night my whole body was so tight I felt like a rubber band about to snap. Took some ibuprofen to no avail. Got desperate and took some old Rx pain medication/muscle relaxant combo from an old, unrelated injury. Prescription was several years old though, so I guess it had expired. No relief whatsoever. So now I sit here at work, very sleepy, unable to move my head hardly at all, and wishing I were at home in bed. I'm sure I'll get over it though. Just had to whine about it for a while, that's all. :-)


Tooz said...

I'm sorry to hear about your weekend. I hope you're feeling better by now. Love you.

Suze said...

sounds like severe tension that's maybe stress-induced? you should get a massage. seriously. some health plans cover those, at least partially.