Monday, December 10, 2007

This is Finals Week

That is why you haven't heard from me much in the past couple weeks - getting final papers done, finishing up huge assignments, and readying for finals week. You won't see much of me until after Thursday. Have a good week, y'all (and pray that I don't go insane from too much work and schooling!).

Also, pray for Jamie. He's having some medical issues. Today was spent driving 307 miles round trip to a specialist, only to be told to come back in three weeks for tests and the like. Today they took blood. He was so brave! No tears, no nothing (this is the first time he's had blood drawn - 5 vials!!! - and not cried!) Anyway. Pray for my little guy.

Love you all.


Animal said...

Good thoughts, comin' your way.

Tooz said...

You WILL let us know when you know something, right? Love you.